Transformers are electrical devices used to convert low-current high-voltage electricity into a high-current low-voltage state or vice versa with almost no energy loss. These devices are used to adjust the voltage in many devices, such as table lamps, toy cars, battery chargers, and computers. Transformers consist of two windings, usually placed close to each other, and provide voltage conversion by creating a magnetic field. The efficiency of iron core transformers can reach as high as 97-99.9%. Transformers can be used to raise or lower the voltage, and their strength depends on the change of the magnetic field. Iron-core transformers are used at low frequencies, while transformers operating at radio frequencies should be air-core
Transformers are devices used for converting electrical energy from a high voltage level to a low voltage level. Transformers are one of the most important elements in electricity networks and are important for the efficient distribution of electrical energy.
There are many types of transformers. These are, for example, power transformers, distribution transformers, special transformers, transformers for power transmission lines, etc. it is designed according to different applications such as.
Power transformers are usually used to convert electrical energy from high-voltage lines to lower voltage levels. The output of these transformers is supplied to the main supply lines in buildings or factories.
Distribution transformers, on the other hand, have smaller dimensions and lower power outputs than power transformers. They are usually placed on the lower levels of power grids in cities and are used to meet the electricity needs of buildings or industrial facilities.
Special transformers, on the other hand, are transformers designed for special applications. For example, special high-voltage transformers are designed for use in nuclear power plants.
Distribution power and transformers are important for the effective distribution and use of electrical energy. Electrical energy is transmitted through high-voltage lines and then converted to low-voltage levels through transformers. This helps to improve safety and efficiency in power grids.
Power transformers are used for converting electrical energy from high voltage lines to low voltage levels. These transformers provide power to the main supply lines of industrial plants and buildings. In addition, distribution transformers are used at low voltage levels and are used to meet the electricity needs of buildings or industrial facilities.
Special transformers are designed for special applications. For example, the high voltage transformers used in nuclear power plants are specially designed and manufactured.
Distribution power and transformers help to increase safety and efficiency in power grids. Therefore, the correct design, manufacture and installation of transformers is of critical importance in the distribution of electrical energy.